Rylan Women: Bella Thomas
What do you love most about your job as a model, artist and style icon?
"My job is made up of many facets and each one creates a unique creative space for expression. I feel very lucky to have friends and a team, that push me forward with constant encouragement."
In just a few words, how would you define your style?
"Classic and comfortable."

What 3-5 wardrobe basics do you consider essential for the forthcoming SS season?
"Comfy trousers, a simple tee, and a bikini you can fit into your bag! I always like to be ready for a swim in the sea."
What beauty items do you always carry in your RYLAN bag?
"Chapstick - I have a collection as they always seem to go missing. Facial sunscreen - I'm using Dermaviduals at the moment."

What do you love about your RYLAN bag?
"I love the size and quality of my Olive with Black Edge Mini Rylan Tote - it keeps me organized and accommodates all my daily essentials."
At this moment, what is inspiring you?
"I've been reading a lot more fiction which has provided a nice escape from the lockdown period - I've just started reading the Harry Potter series for the first time (I know, criminal!). I've also come across some great new designers on Instagram - I love scrolling back to discover how their journeys commenced. I then go into a rabbit hole and emerge much more inspired."

How do you unwind - create harmony and balance?
"I love cooking, usually just simple recipes - cooking really helps me to unwind after a long day. I've been using a lot more vegetables as a base, and experimenting with new ingredients."
How has the past year redefined your perspective on life – freedom/family/friends?
"I think it's really made me appreciate the simple things in life that we can so easily take for granted. Finding joy in the slowness has been a little challenging, but very rewarding."