Rylan uses DHL World Wide Express to deliver your Rylan item internationally and domestically (Australia). Once the item has been dispatched from our warehouse in Australia (Sydney), you will receive an email with a tracking number that will allow you to track the delivery until it arrives. Please allow our warehouse 2-3 days to process your order (5-7 days if a sale period or the launch of a new product). Transit time is usually between 2 and 7 Business days from the time you place an order on our site, depending on the shipping address.
Due to increased shipping prices, unfortunately we cannot offer free shipping at this time. Rylan ships your handbag at a flat rate.
General shipping (excluding Large Totes) -
$19.99 AUD for states of Australia - NSW, QLD, SA, VIC
$29.99 AUD for WA, NT and TAS
$39.99 AUD for New Zealand
$49.99 AUD Internationally
For Large Totes -
$39.99 AUD for states of Australia - NSW, QLD, SA, VIC
$49.99 AUD for WA, NT and TAS
$49.99 AUD for New Zealand
$59.99 AUD Internationally
All deliveries have been instructed to be signed for, so please make sure you provide an appropriate address. To avoid any issues with delivery, we highly recommend you have your order shipped to one of these locations:
A business address
An address you know you will be at through the day
An address where you know someone will be there to sign for the parcel
Addresses we cannot ship to –
P.O. Boxes
Parcel Collect Services
A.P.O. Boxes
F.P.O. Addresses
If you need to make any delivery changes, once you have been supplied your DHL tracking number, please contact your local DHL office to request the required changes.
Duties and Taxes
Depending on your shipping destination, a fee for duties and taxes will either be charged at checkout or you may be asked by your local customs to pay the duties and taxes on your product so it can be delivered to you. Please note with new US tax regulations, you will be asked to pay a customs and duties fee.
Important Information
Before we can complete your order dispatch, we may need to confirm your details with your card issue. We will do our best to keep delays to a minimum. This is for your protection.
Rylan insures each purchase during the time it is in transit until it is delivered to your instructed address. A signature is required for delivery of your Rylan item. At which time, responsibility for your purchased goods passes to you. If you have specified a recipient who is not you for delivery purposes (for example as a gift) then you accept that evidence of a signature by them (or at that delivery address) is evidence of delivery and fulfilment by Rylan and transfer of responsibility in the same way.